What is object-oriented approach? How is it different from structured programming approach? Discuss the features of object-oriented languages in detail.
How can we use inheritance for code reusability? Discuss multiple inheritance with suitable example.
What is function overloading? How is it different from function overriding? Write a program that gives an example of function overriding.
Short Questions
Attempt any eight questions: (8 × 5=40)
Explain abstraction with example.
Discuss input and output with C in and C out respectively.
Discuss relationship between pointers and arrays.
Explain the use of inline function with example.
What is class? Differentiate it with object.
How can you define a member function outside a class ? Explain with suitable example.
Write a program that increases an integer value by 1 (one) overloading ++ operator.
Discuss importance of template. Write syntax of function template.
Discuss different keywords used in exception handling.