Bsc Csit Nepal


Data Structures and Algorithms

Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours

Attempt any two questions: (2 x 10 = 20)

  1. Define queue. What are different applications of queue? Explain queue operations with example. (1+2+7)
  2. Explain circular linked list with example. How do you implement linked list operation in singly linked list? Explain (4+6)
  3. What is binary search tree? Write a program to implement insertion and deletion algorithm in binary search tree. (2+8)

Attempt any eight questions: (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. How do you find complexity of algorithms? Explain (5)
  2. Evaluate the expression ABCD-x+ using stack where A=5, B=4, C=3 and D=7. (5)
  3. What is priority queue? Why so we need this type of queue? (2+3)
  4. Write a recursive program to find nth Fibonacci number. (5)
  5. Explain array implementation of lists. (5)
  6. Hand test selection sort with array of numbers 4, 71, 32, 19, 61, 2, -5 in descending order. (5)
  7. Write a program to implement sequential search algorithm. (5)
  8. What is graph traversal? Explain. (5)
  9. Write short notes on: (2.5+2.5)
    • a. Divide and conquer sorting
    • b. AVL tree