Computer Graphics
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
What is raster scan display system? Explain with its architecture.
Derive the equation to draw a line using DDA algorithm when slope is greater than 1.
Derive the expression for Bresenham Line Drawing Application.
How can you draw circle using mid-point circle algorithm? Explain with algorithm.
Explain the scan line algorithm for removing hidden surfaces.
Explain the following term with practical applications.
Derive the window to viewport transformation coefficient matrix. Explain the application of this matrix.
What are blobby objects? How it is represented? Explain the wireframe representation of 3D objects.
Calculate the total memory required to store a 10 minute video in a SVGA system with 24 bit true color and 25 fps.
Explain polygon clipping in detail. By using the Sutherland-Hodgemen Polygon clipping algorithm clip the following polygon.
What is virtual reality? Explain the importance of virtual reality and its application.
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