C Programming
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Write an algorithm and flowchart to find out whether a given integer is zero, +ve or –ve and explain it.
What are the basic four data types used in C programming? What are its size and range? Explain.
Explain the “if…else” statement with example.
Differentiate between break and exit statement with example.
Explain the multidimensional array with example. Write a program to convert a lowercase character string into uppercase.
Explain the library functions with example.
Write a program to find the sum of all the elements of an array using pointers.
Explain the pointer arithmetic with example.
Explain the array of structures and write a program to accept record of 15 person which has name, age and address and also display them.
What are the three types of input/output functions which support in C- programming? Explain with example.
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