C Programming
Full Marks: 60
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
Draw the flow chart for finding largest of three numbers and write an algorithm and explain it.
Find the value of “a” in each of the following statements:
Write a program for the interest charged in installments for following case. A cassette player costs Rs. 2000. A shopkeeper sells it for Rs. 100 down payment and Rs. 100 for 21 more months. What is the monthly interest charged?
Write a program that uses a “for” loop to compute and prints the sum of a given numbers of squares.
Write a program to obtain the product of the following matrices and explain it:
Write a function to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two complex numbers (x +iy) and (c + id).
Write a program which will read a line and delete from it all occurrences of the word “that”.
What is a pointer and explain its applications? Write a program that uses pointers to copy an array of double.
Define a pointer. Write a function that is passed an array of n pointers to the maximum of the floats.
Define a structure of employee having data members name, address, age, and salary. Take data for employee in an array dynamically and find the average salary.
Given a text file, create another text file deleting the following words “three”, “bad”, and “time”.
Why do you require graphical function? Explain the basic graphical function with suitable program.
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