Bsc Csit Nepal

All CSIT Colleges

List of all CSIT Colleges with correponding quotas

There are a total of 3036 CSIT seats available across 60 constituent and private colleges. Among these, 2429 seats fall under the Open Quota and 607 seats under the Samabeshi Quota. Specifically, 15 constituent institutions collectively offer 1152 seats (926 Open and 226 Samabeshi), while 45 private institutions account for 1884 seats (1503 Open and 381 Samabeshi). This distribution reflects a substantial capacity for students seeking to pursue a CSIT degree in Nepal, with the majority of seats offered by private institutions.

Constituent institutions like Patan Multiple Campus and Amrit Science Campus each hold 144 seats, whereas others such as Bhaktapur Multiple Campus, Padma Kanya Multiple Campus, or Siddhanath Science Campus typically offer 72 seats. In the private sector, many colleges offer either 36 or 48 seats, with institutions like St. Xavier's College, Deerwalk Institute of Technology, and Academia International College each having 48 seats. These varying seat capacities cater to a diverse student body, providing multiple entry points under both Open and Samabeshi Quotas.

BSc CSIT Quota

Open QuotaSamabeshiTotal
Constituent Institutions9262261152
Private Institutions15033811884

Constituent Institutions

1Patan Multiple Campus14411529
2Amrit Science Campus14411529
3Bhaktapur Multiple Campus725814
4Padma Kanya Multiple Campus725814
5Siddhanath Science Campus725814
6Ramsworup Ramsagar Multiple Campus725814
7Mechi Multiple Campus725814
8Mahendra Morang Adarsh Multiple Campus725814
9Birendra Multiple Campus725814
10Prithvi Narayan Campus725814
11Butwal Multiple Campus725814
12Bhairahawa Multiple Campus725814
13Mahendra Multiple Campus725814
14Mahendra Multiple Campus36297
15Central Campus of Technology36297

Private Institutions

1St.Xaviers College483810
2Kathford International College of Engineering and Management483810
3New Summit College483810
4Prime College483810
5St.Lawrence College36297
6College of Applied Business36297
7Kathmandu Bernhardt College483810
8Deerwalk Institute of Technology483810
9Vedas College483810
10Texas International College483810
11National College of Computer Studies483810
12Orchid International College483810
13Ambition College36297
14Sagarmatha College of Science & Technology483810
15Nagarjuna College of Information Technology36297
16Academia International College483810
17Himalaya College of Engineering483810
18Asian School of Management and Technology483810
19Madan Bhandari Memorial College483810
20Nepalaya College36297
21Asian College of Higher Studies483810
22Trinity International College483810
23Samriddhi College483810
24Swastik College36297
25Kathmandu College of Technology36297
26NIST College36297
27Shreeyantra College483810
28Birendra Memorial College483810
29Sushma Godawari College36297
30Birat Kshitiz College36297
31Nihareeka College36297
32Birat Multiple College36297
33AIMS College36297
34Himalaya Darshan College36297
35National Infotech College483810
36Hetauda City College36297
37Chitwan College of Technology36297
38Lumbini ICT Campus483810
39Mount Annapurna Campus36297
40Soch College36297
41Lumbini City College36297
42Nepathya College36297
43Banke Bageshwori Campus36297
44Nepalgunj Campus36297
45Ambikeshwori Campus36297